What do you have to say?

One day you’ll have something to say, something to tell the world. But you just won’t be able to form the words you wanted to. It’ll frustrate you at first then you’ll take your time to choose carefully of what you say, cause people take everything in opinions. Not for truly what’s said only for what they want to hear. That’s why it’s hard but that’s why what you’re saying is beautiful. It can mean one thing to you and hundred things to others. Don’t ever be silenced we all have something to say.


What if?

What if we weren’t actually causing global warming in the way we think. What if it is even more unintentional than before, have you taken the time to think of what’s actually happening? Look around you we are a society that demolishes rain forests and natural springs for houses and beach front property. Then we pour concrete all around the globe which has a substantial weight differential compared to trees and water. And the worst part is that we think the moon is escaping its own orbit, but what if we are the ones who are getting out of orbit from our weight? What if huh?
