The Lost

A long time ago we were told a tale of a group of five men who were evil in every way possible. They ruled in individual kingdoms being ruthless in their conquests. As the rulers grew in age they looked to each other to maintain their iron rule and combined their kingdoms. It was said they felt no guilt, sympathy or restraint as they purged towns of their people. As each of the kings died one by one they made a dying bargain with God to allow them another chance at life, to do good this time around. God had allowed them this dying wish and made a group given the name The Lost. Not much is known of The Lost, it is said that they are segregated from the world. A group of lone wanders sentenced to walk the earth for eternity. Dressed in cloaks nobody has ever seen the face of a Lost, rumors are their aged men of a hundred or so years. They say The Lost disappear as fast as they are seen, making brief appearances in cities, towns or empires. And for as fast as they appear and leave the cities are gone in a flash. No fighting or resistance goes on the people disappear like they were never there in the first place. All that is left in the city is a letter with the message ” We once walked the earth as you did ruthless, unsympathetic and guiltless. But there are things in life that need to be learned and of these evils committed death is the penalty for these people. We wish to teach you of the atrocities of this world and stand up for what is right. We are The Lost.”


The Four Horsemen

A group of magicians sworn to uphold and to protect the secrecy of magic. A gift for those who are worthy to bear its power, to help the people through tough times. The Horsemen are much more than your average Robin Hood, they are the guardians for the people. To take back what they were cheated of money, happiness, love, personal gain or whatever it may be they will be there to insure justice. They are the Eye they will see every misfortune and every unjust deed in this world and they will be one step, four steps, seven steps ahead of whatever you are thinking. And right before a blink of an eye they will sweep you from your feet, swarm your imagination and show you what’s magical about life.
